Friday, May 3, 2024

Distributed Here, There and Everywhere

RS has a new distributor! This one is in North Carolina in the good old US of A,
 The Comics Blogger, a review blog, zine and shop run by Thomas Campbell. Here’s the link,

It’s super handy to have a US distro point as the postage will be much less for US folks, then me shipping it all the way from Latvia. Also, Thomas has been tabling at shows, so I’m hoping he sometimes will include RS in the mix.

This distro is in addition to the ones I have here in Riga, Latvia (Bolderaja Art Bar and Down Street Records and Athens, Greece (Jemma Comics – RS#8). I’m always open to new options, so any and all suggestions appreciated!

It’s no point letting those extra copies gather dust in a box! It’s important to get them out there into the world and I appreciate the people and shops that have support my comix by stocking them.


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