Back in the summer of 1988, Carole Sobocinski invited me to contribute a piece to her anthology zine Zabawny. Each issue featured a different theme and Zabawny #9 was an All-Elvis issue. "Café Elvis" was what I came up with, a surreal melange of Daliesque imagery and a reworking of the lyrics from the Manhattan Transfer song "Java Jive".
Fast forward to right now and you can find the original "Café Elvis" art hanging in an exhibition called "That's Funny: Art with a Sense of Humor" at the Charles H. Taylor Center in Hampton, Virginia (Sept. 13 - Oct. 19, 2014).
In the same show I also have a short stop motion animated film called "ZANK", which I wrote about in my companion blog "Weaverwerx" and two bas-relief sculptures, which I'll be writing about soon.